Thursday Thirteen ~ October

Thursday Thirteen ~ October

Thirteen Things about October
  1. October was the eighth month of the year and got its name from the word 'Octo' meaning eight.

  2. The birthstone for October is the Opal.

  3. An alternate birthstone for October is Pink Tourmaline.

  4. The Cosmos is October's birth flower.

  5. An alternate birth flower for October is the Calendula.

  6. The month October has become famous as "Red October", due to the Russian October revolution of 1917, although in the modern Gregorian clandar, the revolution started in November.

  7. My Hubby's birthday is October 30th.

  8. Halloween is October 31st.

  9. October is the most common birth month, along with July.

  10. In Scottish Gaelic, October is called an Damhar, meaning "rutting time" (of stags).

  11. In Irish, October is called Deireadh Fómhair, meaning "end of harvest-time".

  12. In the old Japanese calendar, the 10th month was called Kannazuki (神無月, Kannazuki? also pronounced Kaminazuki), literally meaning the godless month, due to an old belief that in that month, the gods gathered in one spot to discuss the affairs of the world. Thus, in that month, the gods were inaccessible. (It actually means, "month of the gods", however, as the "na" is actually a possessive particle and the 無 character is ateji.)

  13. In October 1938 : "War of the Worlds" panics millions - The program, which aired on Halloween, sparked a panic among listeners who believed the play was an actual news broadcast. Of the six million listeners who heard the show, more than 1.7 million reportedly believed the story was true. ~This Day in History

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