PhotoHunt Morning

PhotoHunt Morning

Is it MORNING all ready. It feels as if I just went to sleeps. Well Good MORNING I suppose.  At least it is one day closer to October 1st. What is so special about October 1st you want to know. Well so do I.

"Savvy is UP to something!" and I want to know what it is, don't you???????
~Socks demanding answers for ATCAD

- Thursday Thirteen ~ October
Thirteen Things about October October was the eighth month of the year and got its name from the word 'Octo' meaning eight. The birthstone for October is the Opal. An alternate birthstone for October is Pink Tourmaline. The Cosmos is...

- The Ugly Truth
Each morning, as you read my blog,I would love for you to imagine me like this.... gracefully skipping around the farm,with a handmade basket on my arm,tending to my chickens, goats and horses. Flowing frocks, pinafores, floppy hat...clean-faced, freshly...

- A Day Of Rest
This morning, like every other Sunday morning, Maddie got the front half out of bed and then decided to quit. A big yawn...........and back to sleep she fell...half in and half out of bed. There are no days of rest on a farm. Each and every morning the...

- You Can't Keep Them Young!
This morning started much the same as every morning on the farm. Our alarm clock is the first "wake up!" song of Mr. Cardinal (Mr. and Mrs. are year-long residents in the tree outside the farmhouse). Without fail, each day he sings the first stanza of...

- The Arrival Of Autumn
We have had such unseaonably warm temperatures during September and October. As a result, the trees have held onto their green for much longer this year. Just within the past two weeks, however, have we begun to see our forest's colorful Autumn transformation....

