Thursday Thirteen ~ Things I Liked About 2007

Thursday Thirteen ~ Things I Liked About 2007

Thirteen Things I Liked About 2007

  1. We adopted Scylla & Charybdis.
  2. We created the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden.
  3. We got a solar fountain for the Butterfly Garden.
  4. We got a butterfly bench for the Butterfly Garden.
  5. We had lots of Butterflies come to visit us.
  6. I got to go to the O'Meara Reunion in June.
  7. Eldest graduated from the Community College.
  8. Eldest transferred to a University, at 18 he is in his third year of a Computer Science Degree.
  9. I was able to check lots of good books out of the local public library to read. Libraries are wonderful things, please be sure to support your library.
  10. I made lots of new blog friends.
  11. I was able to contact an old friend from elementary school.
  12. I was able to do lunch every other month with one of my old friends from Meridian who relocated here.
  13. I finally got to meet Natalie in person.

- Photo Hunt ~ In Memory
We planted the WHISKERS' MEMORIAL BUTTERFLY GARDEN IN MEMORY of Whiskers. This is were Whiskers is buried. This is an explosion of purple verbena, it is very pretty and the butterflies love it. Mommy planted wisteria in the Whiskers' Memorial...

- Remembering Our Friends
We were very sad to read that Lacy Lulu didn't make it, you can read her family's moving tribute Last Picture, Thanks, and Tributes!! on her blog. We are going to plant a Gardenia for her in the Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden. We were...

- Scylla & The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden was created in memory of our brother cat Whiskers (me & Charybdis never meet him, but Socks said he was a wonderful cat, Mommy still misses him a lot). Even though it is November we still have flowers blooming....

- Thursday Thirteen #15
Thirteen Things about The Pet Food Recall Whiskers died March 9, 2007 of Kidney Failure after eating Special Kitty Pouch cat food.Menu foods knew there was something wrong with the food as early as February 20th, 2007 (maybe sooner).The contaminated...

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Thirteen Things about AlasandraI live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.I homeschool my youngest son, Lord Epa.My eldest son, Shining Celibi, is in college (he started college at 16).I like to try new recipes (to the dismay of my family).I love butterflies.I...

