Thursday Thirteen #16

Thursday Thirteen #16

Thirteen Things about Diamonds

  1. What does the word "diamond" mean? The word comes from the Greek word "adamas," and this means "unconquerable and indestructible."

  2. In 1477 the Archduke of Austria gave a diamond to Mary of Burgundy. Today, some 500 years later, diamonds are the most popular gemstones in engagement rings.

  3. Diamonds worn in ancient times were believed to promote strength, invincibility, and courage.

  4. The first written notation of precious diamonds dates back to around 500 B.C.

  5. In their purest state, diamonds are brilliant and entirely colorless.

  6. Diamonds are found in a variety of colors. Blue and pink diamonds are among the rarest, and yellow and brown as among the most common. The Dresen is classified as an "apple-green" color and weighs in at 40.70 carats. It was bought in 1741 by Frederick Augustus II, King of Saxony (Poland), and was probably from India. It is set to be worn as a shoulder knot. Originally, it was set in another shoulder knot, the Golden Fleece (see The Legendary Dresden Green Diamond for an artist's rendering of the previous setting). After World War II, it was taken along with other items of historical significance by the Soviet Trophies Commission. It was returned to Dresden in 1958, to be put back on display as it has been for nearly two hundred years.8

  7. The diamond is the hardest natural substance found on the earth.

  8. The diamond is rock hard and virtually fireproof. In order for a diamond to burn, it must be heated to one-thousand, two-hundred, and ninety-two degrees Fahrenheit.

  9. Australia accounts for producing the most diamonds in volume.

  10. America buys more than half of the world's total gem quality diamonds - accounting for the world's largest diamond market.

  11. Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas is the worlds only diamond mine open to the public - this is a dig-for-fee operation for tourists and rock enthusiasts.

  12. Since as far back as 1906, there have been more than 70,000 diamonds discovered in The Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas - this includes the 40.23 carat "Uncle Sam Diamond" - the largest diamond of its kind ever found in the U.S discovered in 1924.

  13. Like the majority of women in the U.S. Alasandra has a diamond engagement ring.

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