Tied by Scylla

Tied by Scylla

I has a huge problem. I am suppose to be helping Mommy pick out the CUTEST picture of Fenris and the one that best shows his PERSONALITY, but all the pictures are TIED , will you be my tie breaker?

I call this one his GOOD BOY pose because he is sitting like a GOOD DOGGIE.

Standing at ATTENTION.
You don't have to worry about Fenris being tongue-tied

Walking Around
Personally I wishes he was tied up, so I could walk around back there.


I thinks he needs some shades here, and maybe a leather jacket. But Mommy says I wasn't hired to be a fashion consultant. Does that mean I have been hired to pick the PURRFECT Photo? I wonder how much I will be paid?

Puppy Love


- Womancat Wednesday
This is so WRONG!!!!!!! Do you see what is laying by ME?????? Fenris, if you are going to lay in here next to me make yourself useful and go pick out a book for Mommy to read to us. (Fenris: I thinks I will get one of the Literature books, it should have...

- Bear ~ Bear Update
The more we read about Bear~Bear's MURDER the more angry and upset we get. WJA, ABC7 News out of Washington, DC has named Keith Shephard as the officer who shot Bear-Bear on Monday night. Bear-Bear was a Siberian Husky who was playing in a community...

- Fenris Friday
Last week I promised to show you the prizes I won for Mommy & Daddy, when I tied in Thoughts Fur Paws Puppy & Kitten Photo Contest. If you click here you will see the other pups and kittens that won. Including the lovely Bella. She is adorable,...

- Fenris Here
I am feeling much better this morning. That's the good news!!!!! The bad news is staying inside is a drag, at least I don't have to stay in the crate 100% of the time. The vet said I can be out inside (where I can't run) but can walk around....

- A Pony Cart For Red
I don't remember a summer with so many spectacular daysas we have had this year.Seriously.  Beautiful.  Weather. I awoke, yesterday, to a cool morningand sped through morning chores in a long sleeve shirt. By 9AM, my required work was...

