Womancat Wednesday

Womancat Wednesday

This is so WRONG!!!!!!!

Do you see what is laying by ME??????

Fenris, if you are going to lay in here next to me make yourself useful and go pick out a book for Mommy to read to us.

(Fenris: I thinks I will get one of the Literature books, it should have lots of good stories in it.)

Back so soon, who knew dogs could read. Mommy, Fenris is laying next to me.

Mommy, Fenris is sticking his tongue out at ME!!!!!!!! What do you mean he is a good doggie, posing for the picture. How come he gets a treat for posing with ME and I do not get a TREAT for posing with HIM????????? Mommy you are being most unfair and I DO NOT COMPLAIN TOO MUCH!!!!!!!! There just isn't any pleasing some Mommies. ~Scylla

- Tsarina Tuesday ~artemisia
 I gets along with all my siblings. Socks and I get along with Fenris, Scylla well she acts loony around him, but I think she is beginning to catch on to dog management 101.  I gets along so well with Fenris I kiss him on the mouth sometimes....

- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
Joey tagged our Mommy on Face Book so we thoughts us cats and Fenris would answer on the blog. We aren't tagging anyone but feel free to answer the questions and post them on your blog or in our comments. Three people I love - Mommy Daddy & The...

- From Across The Pond By Artemisia
A package arrived for us from across the pond! Being a silly kitty I thought Mommy meant from across our pond but she said no she was referring to this thing called an Ocean and that our friend GJ and his Mum live in a place called the United...

- Tied By Scylla
I has a huge problem. I am suppose to be helping Mommy pick out the CUTEST picture of Fenris and the one that best shows his PERSONALITY, but all the pictures are TIED , will you be my tie breaker?   I call this one his GOOD BOY pose...

- Fenris Plays The Name Game
I likes to sit in the butterfly chair and chat with Mommy. Awhile back Thunder & Phantom did a post about names. So I thought I would play the name game. At the shelter my name was Frankie, at first Mommy was going to name me Marrok after a character...

