Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

 I is all wet, Bad Mommy gave me a bath.  She says I looks like Twiggy when I is wet.

 I talked her into letting me go outside to dry off in the sunshine, I neglected to mention I was going to roll around in the dirts.

Now I am hiding from her so I want gets another BATH. You don't think she can find me do you?  ~Arty Mouse

- Once Upon A Time...
We are taking part in the Once Upon a Time Blog Hop hosted by Lady Shasta and Lord Shiloh. We have our paws crossed that one day our fairy tale will come true. Once Upon a Time.............there was a lovely Tsarina named Artemisia, nicknamed Arty Mouse....

- Mancat Monday
 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.  I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!  I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...

- Winsome Wednesday
Can you believe that Tsarina Tuesday got hijacked by Valentines? How rude, at least Mommy let me make tons of Valentines to make up for it. Oh you can't see me. I am hiding, I bet nobody will ever find me way up here. And no this isn't where I...

- Mancat Monday
 I am enjoying some outside time. Me and Arty Mouse are playing, maybe one day Mommy will make a movie starring me and Mouse.  I am hiding from Arty Mouse and Mommy.  Uh-oh, I thinks Mommy found me. Mommy played with the first picture and...

- Fenris Friday
 I went to the groomers and got a BATH. I liked the bath, but I refused to have my nails trimmed. They tied this handsome bandanna around my neck when they were finished. Mommy gave me some extra tasty food when we got home.  Do you thinks a...

