Tuesday Tails with Charybdis

Tuesday Tails with Charybdis

We bets you thought it was Mommy who did all the reading. Us cats love to read and Fenris loves to be read too.

I am letting Daddy read my book while I take a brief nap.

This is a very immodest pose of me, I hope Cliff doesn't see it. Youngest Boy Bean has my book now. I am waiting for him to get through with it.

I thinks I will take another nap while I wait.

- Sibling Saturday
Scylla likes to sleep on Youngest Boy Bean's desk.  I prefer to snooze in the Hummingbird Cottage during the day.  And outside the Scylla Palace at night. The  Kitty Speed Bump from Catpods is  a purrfect foot rest. Scylla won...

- Our Names
Reilly is having a contest. All you has to do is tell about your names. My name is Fenris Wolf and it comes from Norse Mythology. My youngest boy bean gave me my name. Mommy was going to name me Marrock after a character in a book she was reading. My...

- Scafflaw Week ~ Scylla
The hostess for Scafflaw Week is our dear friend Fin over at Housecat Confidential. I didn't break any rules on day one so we figured Day 2 would be all mine. First off when we were rounded up to go sleep in the garage I hid under Mom & Dad's...

- Easy Like Sunday Morning By Charybdis
Sunday is a good day to relax. Here I am taking a nap on Mommy's hat. She wears it when she is working in the garden so she won't get sunburned. Now it is time for a bath. Now that I am all clean I am going to read a book. This is mine and Mommy's...

- Alasandra's Book Club ~waterloo By Bernard Cornwell
I was disappointed, I have read his other series with great pleasure. I suppose Richard Sharpe is suppose to be the main character, but honestly he isn't around much, in fact the book could get along fine without him. Since I tend to care more about...

