Tuiren is HOME!!!!!

Tuiren is HOME!!!!!

January 11th - I am home. This nice lady called Mommy and I kinda belonged to her but not really. And my name used to be Gracie. See this lady knew my owner and when he moved away and couldn't take me with him he asked her to keep me, cause he knew I had heartworms and knew I would be put to sleep if he took me to the pound. She already had two dogs and one of them doesn't like me (it even attacked me) so I was having to stay outside (and we already know I can climb fences), so I kept getting out and wandering off. The nice lady's husband wanted to find a new home for me or something. So they were kinda relieved when I disappeared for 3 weeks and then I showed back up with a red collar on...............but the nice lady saw the flyer Mommy had out at the store and called and now I am back with her and will start my heartworm treatment Monday January 14th.

- #catladybox Wednesday
 Mommy was very excited when the mailman dropped this off at our door. One look at the box and she knew it was full of good things for HER and for US.  Yin said that since she is a Lady Cat she could help Mommy open the package.  Mommy...

- Ffht "that Was The First Time I Ever . . ."
Well it's FFHT time and Fenris said I should share my story too. Some of you don't know how I came to live here, it was rather unconventional. I just showed up. When Mommy said this was my home "that was the first time I ever" felt loved. See...

- Tuiren Tuesday - Heartworm Treatment
Almost at the finish line. Monday I had my second Immiticide Injection and and today I will get the Third Immiticide Injection. So glad I was well enough to continue treatment. Mommy and the vet both agreed I would be happier and more relaxed at home...

- Fenris Friday
Me and Socks are sleeping close to each other. He is hogging the Electric Blanket. He told me to KEEP OFF.  He won't let Mommy have it either, she had to make do with the fleece blanket and I had to make do with NO blanket. Do you think that...

- Mancat Monday ~ Whiskers & Melon Head As Told By Socks
I am going to tell you about my foster sister Melon Head today. Here she is on the picnic table with Whiskers. She didn't stay with us long enough for me to get to know her. I am rather shy with new cats. Whiskers was the meet and greeter in the...

