Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

One of Mommy's nicknames for me is Sleeping Beauty.

I bet you can't guess why.

Mommy says I am a very lazy girl.

But I did get up long enough for her to take my picture. I think I looks pretty good. What about you Walter? Do you like it?

This is me in the morning when Mommy comes out to drink her coffee. Fenris always runs to greet her, ME I just go back to sleep. It's not my fault she gets up so early.

~Tuiren, trying to get her beauty sleep for ATCAD

- Tuiren Tuesday
You want to know how I scared my Mommy to death?????? It was simple really see I am a sleepy head. I am always the last one up. Usually I stays in bed until Mommy comes outside and drinks her second cup of coffee on the porch swing. So she had finally...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Walter, this picture is just for you. I let Mommy take ONE, she wanted more but I refused to cooperate. I am a busy girl, I has things to do that don't involve sitting still for pictures. Now I has to crawl back in my dog house where it is nice and...

- Queen Of Hearts Dance
Tuiren and I (Scylla) are waiting for our dates. I am going with my long time boyfriend Brian (from Brian's Home) and Tuiren is being escorted by her new friend Walter (from Bird Brains & Dog Tales) Mommy wanted to get a picture of us girls together....

- Tuiren Tuesday
Walter volunteered to escort me to The Queen of Hearts dance. He is a big doggie like my brother Fenris. But I am a tad bit older, does that make me a cougar? I suggested he come over so we could get to know each other. I showed him around our back yard....

- Tuiren Tuesday
Mommy says I am lazy. I am always the last one up, especially if it is cold outside. And unlike Fenris I don't follow her around. Hey I knows Mommy can find her way back from the little girls room, she doesn't need my help and IF she does get...

