Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Mommy says I am lazy. I am always the last one up, especially if it is cold outside. And unlike Fenris I don't follow her around. Hey I knows Mommy can find her way back from the little girls room, she doesn't need my help and IF she does get lost well Fenny is there. See and this is really funny BOL, every time Mommy gets up Fen gets up and follows her. Doesn't matter if she is just going to the kitchen for a glass of water or to open the door for the cats. Mommy gets up, up Fenny gets. Up down, Up down, Up down, back and forth Mommy and Fenny go and most of the time they are back where I am at in 5 minutes flat, all that up and downing is very exhausting.  So I just stay put and wait for Mommy and Fenris to come back. I think that is smart not lazy don't you?

Mommy says she doesn't understand how such a lazy girl can escape or why she does. When I am not escaping I am mostly doing this (see picture above). Mommy says I spend 95% of the week sleeping 4% eating and 1% escaping, and she sure would like to stop the 1% escaping altogether. I say a girl has to get some exercise.

Tuiren reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday
I am being very cooperative today, first we have a selfie for Selfie Sunday hosted by The Cat on My Head, really don't see why Mommy gets bent out of shape when I try to sit on her head. Next I want to encourage everyone to give a homeless cat or...

- Tuiren Tuesday
One of Mommy's nicknames for me is Sleeping Beauty. I bet you can't guess why. Mommy says I am a very lazy girl. But I did get up long enough for her to take my picture. I think I looks pretty good. What about you Walter? Do you like it? This...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Socks, Tuiren, & FenrisI am hoping that when I wake up the sun will be out. Meanwhile we are all sleeping in our beds. Except for Fenny he never sleeps in his bed, and Scylla is sleeping in Mommy's bed. Scylla doesn't like to sleep in the...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Mommy had fun playing with this picture. I thinks it came out rather well. It is freezing outside so me and Fenny are staying inside where it is warm. We likes being able to look out the door. This is where Fenny sleeps at night. I usually sleeps in the...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I have been a very bad doggie. I dug under the fence and went AWOL, Mommy was very annoyed with me. I don't understand it as soon as I tracked down the scent I was following I came right back so why am I a BAD DOG? And Fenny is a traitor, I love my...

