Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

I have been a very bad doggie. I dug under the fence and went AWOL, Mommy was very annoyed with me. I don't understand it as soon as I tracked down the scent I was following I came right back so why am I a BAD DOG?

And Fenny is a traitor, I love my brother dearly but he ratted me out to Mom. He barked his SOMETHING WRONG MOM, I NEED YOUR INPUT,  bark and she looked up from her weeding and saw me on the wrong side of the fence. Then I didn't come when she called and that made me an even BADDER DOG.

And to top it off when I was following the scent I fell in the pond. I hate getting wet. See it looked like solid ground but it wasn't it was just lily pads on top of the pond growing real close together and er in I fell. Now I know why the Mom stopped chasing me, for a two legged critter she is kinda smart sometimes, at least about not falling into water by accident. Can you believe sometimes she gets in water on purpose.  Last week when we went walking on the beach her and Fenris ran through the sprinklers. BOL his hair frizzed up around his ears. Mommy caused him to have a bad hair day in public.

Mommy says I am in the dog house. I thought I was on the porch but Fen says that means I am in trouble and I better stay on the porch.

Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

- Fenris Friday (with Yin)
Yinny and I are hanging out on the back porch watching for varmints. She is a good look out. I has to say my porch is getting pretty crowded these days. Yin, Yang and Chimera aren't the least bit afraid of me and Tuiren. I has been trying to teach...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Whenever me and Fenris see anything interesting we run to the fence and observe it. We watch carefully to see if we needs to alert Mommy by barking. This is a very important decision. You mustn't bark too often are you annoy the people, but you wants...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I wonder what the Veterinarian is doing with the hair she stole from me and Fenris. They stole hair from my legs and his head. This is very weird if you ask me. At least they didn't send me home with a lamp shade on my head. Thank Dog for small mercies....

- Fenris Friday
Mommy says it is time for this toy to go bye-by apparently I have chewed it too much. I sure will miss it. Glad Santa brought me a new toy. He brought Tuiren a toy too. ~Fenris Tuiren update: Mommy took her to the vet yesterday and we were super excited...

- Fenris Friday
I had the best time last weekend. The Mom meet one of her girlfriends at the beach and guess what??????? She took me with her. I got to walk on the beach. OK, technically we were on the sidewalk but I could see the water and the boats. There were other...

