Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Hello everyone, today is a very impawtant day and I gets to bark a very impawtant message.

Happy Birthday!!!

Grandpa Wayne

We love you!!!!

Since Mommy is older then dirt her Daddy must be very old, Mommy says he has a good sense of humor so we can say this but the old lady  Grandma wouldn't be amused so under no circumstances do we allude to how old Grandma is on her birthday, but she will be older then Grandpa. Wow I didn't know beans got that old.

Tuiren sending birthday wishes for ATCAD

- I Got Found
Tuiren said I could tell the story of how I got found and wound up here today. These pictures were taken the day I was found December 26th, they tell me that day is what you call my Gotcha Day. I am not sure how I wound up in Grandma and Grandpa's...

- Family Friday
Mommy and the Boy Beans went to see Grandma & Grandpa for Easter. Mommy took these pictures at our house while she was waiting for Eldest to get here, so they could leave. She was very happy to see these little pink flowers came back. They are annuals...

- Promise
Happy Birthday Mommy! we PROMISE not to reveal your age. ~Socks, Scylla, Tuiren & Fenris Grandma, Happy Birthday! I PROMISE not to pee or poop in the house today. ~ Mr. Who ...

- Scylla Sunday
I have discovered a new sleeping spot. Mommy didn't use the recliner when Arty was here because Arty liked to get under her chair. Mommy was afraid Arty would get hurt when the recliner was opened or closed so Mom didn't allow anyone to use the...

- My Gotcha Day Story
This is my first Christmas. Little did I know how much my life would change December 25th. I was born at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They has a lot of barn cats. They feeds us and if we will come up on the deck the Grandma will play with...

