I got found

I got found

Tuiren said I could tell the story of how I got found and wound up here today. These pictures were taken the day I was found December 26th, they tell me that day is what you call my Gotcha Day.

I am not sure how I wound up in Grandma and Grandpa's yard all by myself and soaking wet. I couldn't see or hear yet, so I don't know what happened just that I was cold and uncomfortable and I wanted someone to help so I was MEOWING as loud as I could. I was hoping my Cat Mom would come and take me some place warm and dry and feed me, but she didn't. We don't know why, I was by myself for such a long time...................

Anyway Mom & Dad came to Grandma & Grandpa's for something called Chris Mouse. They were eating dinner with them and after dinner Daddy went out on the deck for some fresh air while Mommy helped Grandma clean up the kitchen a little. Daddy heard me MEOWING  and came off the deck to look for me. He almost stepped on me, since I was soaked to the skin and looked furless I blended in with the leaves, dirt and grass really well.

Daddy scooped me up and handed me to Mommy to dry off and he went and got something called Kitten Formula for me to drink, and some bottles for me to drink it out of.

When I was warm, dry and full I went to sleep and I rode home in Mommy's arms. ~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD
An InLinkz Link-up

- Tuiren Tuesday
Hello everyone, today is a very impawtant day and I gets to bark a very impawtant message. Happy Birthday!!!Grandpa WayneWe love you!!!!Since Mommy is older then dirt her Daddy must be very old, Mommy says he has a good sense of humor so we can say this...

- Goats Galore
 Mommy went to visit Grandma & Grandpa, she got some pretty good pictures considering she didn't get off their deck. This is two of Grandma's cats. The one that kinda looks like Grumpy Cat is Arty Mouses' litter mate.  Grandpa...

- Thanksgiving Gotcha / Adoption Stories
Minna Krebs is hosting the Gotcha/Adoption Stories, so please paw over to her blog to read more heartwarming stories.  I use to live at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They have lots of cats because they refuse to get their cats spayed and neutered....

- My Gotcha Day Story
This is my first Christmas. Little did I know how much my life would change December 25th. I was born at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They has a lot of barn cats. They feeds us and if we will come up on the deck the Grandma will play with...

- Charybdis' Tale
Human English is so confusing, I have a beautiful tail and I have a tale to tell. Tail, tale, and tell all sound alike to me, but Mommy says I have to spell them differently. Anyway this is my tale about going to MSU. We left for Grandma & Grandpa's...

