Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 I kinda liked the white stuff that fell from the sky. Mommy and Tuiren thought I was a very silly boy playing in it.

I thought of my pals Khyra, and The OP Pack, I can see why they like it. Although Mommy kept insisting that this isn't SNOW. I don't think she knows what she is talking about. It's white, it fell from the sky, it's cold and wet. But she says it's sleet. So guys did I get SNOW?????

Fenris reporting for ATCAD

- Two On Tuesday
This was our very first package.  It was very exciting for us to get a package in the mail. It was from 15 and Meowing, we had won a prize. We were very anxious for Mommy to help us open it.  The first thing Mommy got out was an eyeball ornament....

- Thursday In The Garden With Fenris & Tuiren
Last week it got colder then normal here. We had ICE in the pond. Mommy wouldn't let us get in the ICE WATER. We were kinda hoping that if it was going to be that COLD we would get some SNOW. Our Rosemary didn't mind the cold weather. It is even...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I have been a very bad doggie. I dug under the fence and went AWOL, Mommy was very annoyed with me. I don't understand it as soon as I tracked down the scent I was following I came right back so why am I a BAD DOG? And Fenny is a traitor, I love my...

- Wintry Weekend
After waiting for what has seemed like an eternity,the first snow of Winter arrived this weekend. Now, you may remember that we had a 6 inch snowfallon the weekend after Halloween.(Yes, that was the weekend we drove to W.V. to pick up our piglets,and...

- Snow, Snow, Snow
Most of us along the East coast have received a good dose of holiday snow this weekend. I thought I would share just a few pictures from around the farm. We all love the snow so much...that is everyone but the goats, chickens, and guineas. They stay...

