Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Me and Mister Who sometimes have a disagreement over who blue alien belongs too.

Obviously blue alien is mine.

I love it, it is one of the few toys I actually play with.

Mommy said I could play with it whenever I wanted.

Mommy loves it when I play with toys.

I am becoming a rather playful pup, it makes Mommy really happy.

Go away Who I am not through playing with blue alien. ~Tuiren, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Two On Tuesday
This was our very first package.  It was very exciting for us to get a package in the mail. It was from 15 and Meowing, we had won a prize. We were very anxious for Mommy to help us open it.  The first thing Mommy got out was an eyeball ornament....

- Tuiren Tuesday
Mr. Blue Alien is very adapt at escaping from me and Who. I am going to let Who chase the Alien down, then I'll chase Who and take him away, that is the best fun. ~Sweet Annie Tuiren reporting for Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs ...

- Who Dat Wednesday
I am coming Grandma faster then a speeding bullet. Grandma and Grandpa play ball with us sometimes. I loves to play. I am in trouble for pulling Fenris' tail. I can't resist jumping up getting a mouthful of his tail and giving it a good yank....

- Scylla Cubed
Thanks Cats of Wildcat Woods, we are all having lots of fun playing with the cube and the treats were yummy to our tummies. I saw the postman bring the package, but Mommy made us wait for Socks to open it. Mommy attached the new cube to our old one. This...

- Fenris & Feline Friday
I loves to play with the Alien Orange Thing. Sometimes I has to talk to the Alien Orange Thing. I likes to explore when Mommy takes me for a walk. Socks likes to lay around. He blends in with the yard  very well. And he likes to drink out of his...

