Two on Tuesday

Two on Tuesday

This was our very first package.  It was very exciting for us to get a package in the mail. It was from 15 and Meowing, we had won a prize.

We were very anxious for Mommy to help us open it.

 The first thing Mommy got out was an eyeball ornament.

Mommy said we couldn't play with it, that it wasn't a toy and that it was for her. Bummer.

But then she got out some crocheted toys for us to play with. Yin liked picking them up and carrying them.

She is very good at catching them and carrying them around.

I managed to steal one from her. Victory taste so sweet.

I couldn't wait to check out the eyeball mat.

Mommy just loves the black kitten pin. It has a lovely poem with it.

My Lucky Black Cat

Legend says to expect bad luck
when a black cat comes your way.
But I never worry, panic or scurry
despite what others may say.

For my black cat brings me comfort
and befriends the ones I hold dear.
A loving black cat living in your home
is a silly, little thing to fear.

I think the poem may be talking about Yin. There are two crocheted balls but Yin was busy playing with hers so it's not in the picture.

Mommy took the balls out of the bag and then the fun began. They roll really well, we played kitty hockey.

15 and Meowing also sent two toys for the doggies. Fenris & Tuiren love them, but they are also fun for us cats to play with. When Fenris is carrying his I bat at it and we play together. Mommy will try to get a picture of us playing with it together one day.

Silly Mommy thought she could artfully arrange our gift for a photo shoot but we had other plans.

You has to be really fast to catch the EyeBalls.

I was wore out after playing with the Eyeballs so I got up on the dresser to take a nap.

Yin, is becoming very domesticated. She helped Mommy look through cookbooks to plan the Thanksgiving menu. Thanksgiving will be at our house this year. Mommy says there will be lots of people and food. This is our first Thanksgiving, we are so thankful we get to spend it with our family.

Yang, reporting for ATCAD

PeeS Walter: We are sorry we stole Tuiren's day to post. We hopes you will forgive us. 

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