Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Mommy took these pictures on my first day of freedom.  I bet you thought I would run around like a crazy lady. Nope I mostly just stood around looking at Mommy.

I played with Mr. Who a little. He is a pest.

We are almost the same size now.

Well at least in height.

And we are kinda the same color.

Mommy says we are both in the HOUND family. He is an Italian Greyhound and I am a Beagle.. I was glad that I could do some sniffing, Mommy isn't great about sniff breaks when she walks you on a leash.

Anyway after the sniffing I got back up in the Jungle Gym where I normally sit, and sat.

But I was happy I could chase lizards with Who and Fenris.

And I was glad I could walk down to the gate with them. We sit here when Mommy is weeding and wait for her.

I have been really GOOD and stayed in the backyard like I am suppose to.

It's nice being able to walk around it and explore.

I also like looking for Crawfish.

They are yummy to eat.

I has to be really fast or Who will get them. He is rude like that.

Sometimes he finds his own.

He sure does love to play and run. He wears me and Fenris out.

I am loving being healthy and having a home ~ Sweet Annie Tuiren, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs

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