Sibling Saturday by Fenris

Sibling Saturday by Fenris

I sure am happy Tuiren is home  I like hanging out with her but first I had to make sure she understood that I GET TO SIT CLOSEST TO MOMMY.

She follows MY RULES really well and we get along fine.

We even started mimicking each other, Mommy thought it was cute.

Tuiren likes sniffing things. Here she is sniffing Eldest Boy's shoes. ~Fenris

- Tuiren Tuesday
 We took these pictures February 8th. Hard to believe it was nice and warm then. Why some days it was in the 70s.  Mommy's Forsythia thought it was Spring and started blooming.  Me and Fenris had a ball running around supervising Mommy...

- Mancat Monday
 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.  I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!  I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Mommy took these pictures on my first day of freedom.  I bet you thought I would run around like a crazy lady. Nope I mostly just stood around looking at Mommy. I played with Mr. Who a little. He is a pest. We are almost the same size now. Well at...

- Scylla Sunday
 Before Mister came to live here I was getting along with all the doggies. We were all sleeping by Mommy. MOL she had to stand in her chair to get the picture and her big feet got in the picture too. We were making a semi circle around her.  Tuiren...

- Twins On Tuesday ~bedtime
I convinced Mommy that I needed to sleep with her. Mommy says I look like a little angel when I am asleep. ~Charybdis Daddy bought me this pawsome bed. It is just the right size. He had to take some things out that go on his feet. Not sure why they...

