Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

This was taken before I had my injection April 15th. No running for me now, I is on restricted activity. Mommy likes this picture cause it shows what a happy lively little girl I will be once I am well.

This is Daddy's idea of weeding. Mommy says that this is throwing the baby out with the bathwater (what baby???), as many flowers they wanted were also shifted out. Daddy is trying to get rid of Dollar Weed aka Penny Wort. Mommy says this wasn't the worst idea ever as there was a lot of glass, broken tiles, bricks, nails and various other things in here because the barn (before my time) used to be here. Mommy refused to weed the bed because of the ANTS and the various broken stuff that could cut her.

And here I am doing my Fenris imitation, tail up and bushed out as much as you can make a beagle tail bush. ~Annie Tuiren, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs

- Fenris Friday
Well Mommy finally has time for ME. She has been spending lots of time with Tuiren and ignoring me and Who. She did take me walking with her and Tammy Thursday though, Tui couldn't come because she is on restricted activity, so I had Mommy and Tammy...

- Tuiren Day
Tuiren goes in for her 2nd Heartworm Treatment Today. Please purr for her. This is what will happen April 15th - she will get a complete physical examination, the administration of the first Immiticide Injection (It is a deep intramuscular injection into...

- Purrs For Mr. Who
When we were outside Mommy saw Tuiren starting to head toward the fence she can climb, Mommy tried to call her but she ignored Mommy so Mommy started running after her. Mommy did not see Mr. Who run between her legs and she stepped on him and broke his...

- Twins On Tuesday ~ Scylla & Charybdis Do The Honest Meme
Derby the Sassy Cat gave us this pawsome award. See Socks' post below for the rules and all that. We thought we would show you this old picture of us that was trapped on Mommy's cell phone before we get started. It's not very good quality...

- Charybdis' Tale
Human English is so confusing, I have a beautiful tail and I have a tale to tell. Tail, tale, and tell all sound alike to me, but Mommy says I have to spell them differently. Anyway this is my tale about going to MSU. We left for Grandma & Grandpa's...

