Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

Well Mommy finally has time for ME.

She has been spending lots of time with Tuiren and ignoring me and Who. She did take me walking with her and Tammy Thursday though, Tui couldn't come because she is on restricted activity, so I had Mommy and Tammy all to myself.

I am saying hi to the Geese Family. There were 7 gosling when they hatched out now they are down to 6. I guess that is pretty good though. I am just glad they came back. This is the first year they came back after they left.

It is kinda hard to see the goslings sometimes, they blend in to the grass really well.

Coming Mom!

Mommy is putting me to sleep with her lecture about goose etiquette.

Now I has to say hi to the across the street neighbors dog.

And now I has to chase some bugs.

Who is helping me, we are on Bug Patrol.

OK, Mom I'll pose for a picture.

Mommy put some of her flowers in the Cedar Planter Daddy built for us.

Silly Who has been trying to get out of the fence now that he doesn't have his cone on. He got his head stuck in the gate. Boy did he make a lot of racket until Mommy got him lose.

He just has a tiny bandage on his leg now and it will come off soon. The doctor said Who could take it off whenever he wanted.

Thanks for coming by to visit me. ~Fenris Wolf, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

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