Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

 Mommy got me this pink bed with a blanket and a pink bone and she got me a stuffy too. She said it was for something called Valentines. We are kinda behind on posting this since we doggies and cats were enjoying Circuses, Valentine Balls and parties. We had much more fun then Mommy.

 She thinks I look pretty in pink.

I thinks it is a nice warm place to snooze. ~Sweet Annie Tuiren

- Inside Trouble
Mommy had forgotten how much trouble kittens are until we came along to remind her. First we got up on the crate, we quickly learned to get on the half wall from here and jump out of confinement. Mommy moved the crate but we still figured out daredevil...

- Tuiren Tuesday ~sleeping Beauty
I do not care for cold weather at all. I sure am glad I have a pretty pink blanket to keep me warm. I also likes it when Mommy reads to us. I am especially fond of this myth The Birth of Bran, I bet you can't guess why? ~Tuiren reporting for ATCAD...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I won the pawsome T-shirt in Bunk the Pug's Giveaway.  It came from this pawsome shop called Tees To Please and the owner Lindsay is a real pleasure to work with. We so enjoyed getting this chance to work with her to get the purrfect Tee for...

- Mancat Monday
Scylla and are are enjoying the Hummingbird Cottage now that the sun is out. It has some of the best rain water ever. The roses are blooming, I thinks these are called Seven Sisters. They has different shades of pink blooms on them. The Gold Flame Honeysuckle....

- Scylla Sunday
I am hanging out with my sister, us girls have to stick together even if she is a DOG. I scored the nice spacious rug and  Tuiren got the cramped pink bed. We were both happy though. Tuiren goes for her next Heartworm Treatment Monday, we are kinda...

