Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

I am hanging out with my sister, us girls have to stick together even if she is a DOG.

I scored the nice spacious rug and  Tuiren got the cramped pink bed.

We were both happy though. Tuiren goes for her next Heartworm Treatment Monday, we are kinda worried about it.

If you can spare a purr or too for her I should would appreciate it.

Now since it is Scylla Sunday I am going to spend the day snoozing inside.

Socks will have to snoopervise Mommy's yard work without me and Tuiren, we are going to be lazy today. ~Scylla, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Tuiren Tuesday
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- Tuiren Tuesday - Heartworm Treatment
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- Add
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- Fenris Friday
Me and Socks are sleeping close to each other. He is hogging the Electric Blanket. He told me to KEEP OFF.  He won't let Mommy have it either, she had to make do with the fleece blanket and I had to make do with NO blanket. Do you think that...

