Tuiren Tuesday & Farewell to Weenie

Tuiren Tuesday & Farewell to Weenie

Since I am on restricted activity I am doing a lot of this.  I am looking forward to June 13th when I will be free to play again. ~Tuiren reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

We has a sads
Weenie from Mona, Weenie and The Mommy has gone to the Rainbow Bridge after being stung by a lot of bees.  We are heartbroken for Mona and his Mommy who will miss him very much and for his fiancee Amber da Weenie

- Scylla Sunday
I got in my Jungle Gym. I hardly ever get to play in it anymore because it is in the DOG's yard. I really likes it up here, and the dogs  can't get up here. MOL, no dogs allowed. Enjoying hanging out and spying on my Daddy. He is working...

- Fenris Friday
I have been helping Mommy & Daddy babysit Who. We runs around a lot and gets tired. He is fun to play with. I also sit by Tuiren so she won't be lonesome. She is still on restricted activity because of the heartworms. I has to patrol the property...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Daddy is playing ball with Fenris and Who, I wishes I could play too. Just wait when I am off restricted activity I will show those boys a thing or two. ~Tuiren, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs ...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Restricted activity is NO FUN! It means I has to stand around and watch Fenris and Mr. Who play. I wants to play too. I am doing fantastic with my treatment, taking my medicine like a good doggie and just waiting for the day when I can play again. I am...

- Butterfly Garden ~ Party For Charlie ~ Flower Show Day 2 Post 1
I (Scylla) am very glad you could join me, in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden.  This is a Vitex, we are going to let ours be a shrub.  Our Butterfly Bush Bottlebrush  Lantana  Whiskers' Grave  And as promised a butterfly......................................

