Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Daddy is playing ball with Fenris and Who, I wishes I could play too.

Just wait when I am off restricted activity I will show those boys a thing or two. ~Tuiren, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Fenris Friday
Daddy is playing ball with us. Tuiren prefers to sit by Mommy and watch the action. I am showing off my best moves since Mommy has the camera out. I snatch the ball right out of the air. I will also go find the ball when they tell me too. That young whipper...

- Tuiren Tuesday
It is raining here so we are all inside napping. Fenny is in the hall, apparently the camera can't take pictures through walls. He likes to hang out in front of the front door and look outside. Good news is the "restricted activity" ends Friday. I...

- Fenris Friday
I have been helping Mommy & Daddy babysit Who. We runs around a lot and gets tired. He is fun to play with. I also sit by Tuiren so she won't be lonesome. She is still on restricted activity because of the heartworms. I has to patrol the property...

- Tuiren Tuesday & Farewell To Weenie
Since I am on restricted activity I am doing a lot of this.  I am looking forward to June 13th when I will be free to play again. ~Tuiren reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs We has a sads Weenie from Mona, Weenie and The Mommy has gone...

- Tuiren Tuesday
This was taken before I had my injection April 15th. No running for me now, I is on restricted activity. Mommy likes this picture cause it shows what a happy lively little girl I will be once I am well. This is Daddy's idea of weeding. Mommy says...

