Turf Wars

Turf Wars

So many of my posts share a common theme...
how well our farm animals get along between species.

That's not saying that the farm is without conflict.
No, there's at least one war daily.
The funny thing is...
the fighting is always limited to two particular species.

For example, right now there is a turf war amongst the roosters.
The henhouse close to our barn has been the scene of a hostile takeover.
Rod Stewart has kicked Henri and Rooster Number 5 and 6 out of the house.

Rod has become one big bad rooster.

It's funny, because prior to this he was always the wimpy Pee Wee Herman type.
I guess since he is the eldest rooster, he has decided to claim 
the henhouse and all of the hens as his own.

The unlucky ousted roos are stuck sleeping in the maple tree outside the henhouse.
When winter and snows come, I will have to open the upstairs of the barn for these
fellows to get out of the elements.

The second group of animals in fighting mode is the cats.

Ever since Sophia moved into the barn there is at least one cat fight daily....
usually over food...
resulting in Sophia retreating to the rafters.

From this safe vantage point, she hisses demeaning slander to whomever has 
infringed upon her space.

So, you see, although life on the farm is somewhat idyllic,
it is not without a little conflict.
Given a little time, though, these little spats usually work out just fine.

You might remember how we were plagued by a black bear this past Spring.
The destruction of our bird feeders and a few visits to our decks and garage
by this rather large fellow prompted us to call the Game Commission
for the placement of a trapping device with the hopes that our pesky
interloper could be relocated.
No such luck.
We succeeded in catching a raccoon and an opossum, but no bear.

In fact we were under the impression that the bear had moved on,
since we had no further visits after the trap arrived.
That is until this week.
(Picture courtesy of bear-tracker.com)
Our neighbor spotted 3 bears coming out of the woods next to our house this week.
Needless to say, the bird feeders are down.
The garage is closed.
And we are being quite cautious.
By the end of the month, these bears should be in hibernation for the rest of the winter.
I just wonder what Spring will be like when they wake up hungry!

- Much Ado About Roos!
Well, it's finally happened.After nearly two years,all of the Roos have found the hens. Let me "recap" for you.... Two summers ago, I bought a dozen Ameraucana chicks...a "straight run" as they call it....unsexed.Well, the odds were not in my favor...

- Bear Tails
For the past couple of weeks, this has been sitting in our front lawn. Yes, it's a bear trap....designed to capture and relocate our pesky neighborhood black bear.This bear has been plaguing us for months, now...on our decks, destroying our bird...

- Hummers And Bears, Oh My!
They're back!After an arduous flight across the Caribbean,our sweet little friends, the ruby throated hummingbirdshave arrived at Bee Haven Acres...at least the males have arrived.The females should be returning soon. I have re-hung all of our hummingbird...

- Rooster Update
Ending up with more roosters than we had planned on has given us a few challenges. We have experimented with living arrangements in an effort to keep all of our chickens happy and unstressed. What we have learned is this...... Some roosters are naturally...

- It's Bear Season
This week marked the beginning of black bear hunting season. No, the bears are not hunting. I tried to explain this to Becky's horses, but they were not convinced. They were sure that they had seen a bear....and if this is the first day of bear season,...

