Turkey Talk

Turkey Talk

I thought I would share a little turkey talk with you today.
After spending almost two years with these three comical birds,
I've got to say....
turkeys are just about the coolest birds you can have.

Ours, as you know, follow us all over the farm...
always curious about what we are doing.

Turkeys have a long fingerlike projection that hangs over their beak,
called a snood.

The amazing thing about this snood, is how it changes throughout the day.
When our turkeys first get up in the morning,
their snoods are tight against their foreheads like a unicorn's horn,
with absolutely no pigmentation...pure white.

Then as they strut around for a few moments,
their snood relaxes and turns a brilliant shade of scarlet.

Throughout the day, their snood can be flaccid, turgid, or somewhere between the two...
it seems to be related to emotion.
I have noticed that frustration and fear will bring their snood into
its horn-like position as well as cause the color to drain from their facial tissues.

Here is a quick video to show you a little "turkey talk"...

different from the gobble that you are accustomed to hearing on my videos.

To answer a question that I am frequently asked...
no, we won't be eating our turkeys...
Never....they are our friends.

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