

All is well in the turkey world once more.

After several days of Tom (the aggressor) being "sequestered"
(placed on house arrest, actually),
the boys have seemingly worked out their differences.

You will notice in this picture, that Tom is all puffed up,
with red snood, head and neck.

While Chuck has taken on a more submissive look...

with snood held firmly against his forehead,
no red visible on his face or neck.

In essence, Tom has won the duel,
luckily without a fight.

Both boys have large black scabbed areas on their snoods
which will heal with time.
But for now, they look a little rough around the edges.

Whenever there is anything stressful on the farm,
like dueling turkeys,
I head for the pigpen.
Time spent with my girls is always peaceful and sweet.

Sweet, sweet piggy friends!


Missy has lost her mucous plug, so she should be going into labor very, very soon.

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