Turkey Trot

Turkey Trot

I always like to start your day off with a smile....
so, here is the smile for today!
 (oh, and turn your sound up)

Hope you have a wonderful day!!
It is frigid cold here right now...
what's it like where you are?

- Smiles For Sugar
Socks can touch his nose with his tongue, we thinks this is funny and it makes us SMILE. Fenris has a great big SMILE, he thinks it is so funny. Tuiren says I can do it too. Just watch me touch my nose with my tongue.  Scylla just had to smile at...

- Brighter Days
Before getting to the heart of today's post,I must tell you that I was overwhelmed and humbled by the outpouringof love and sympathy that was bestowed upon me yesterdayover Hickory's passing. From the bottom of my heart....thank you. Today we...

- Friday Smiles From Maddie And Her Piggies
It has been a perfectly perfect week on the farm.Cool nights and warm (but not hot) days have re-energized me.It is so much easier to harvest and put up the veggies when the weather is cooler! Scattered storms have timed themselves so that I could take...

- Friday Smiles
For today's post I have a few pictures to share with you...things that make me smile! Like... the piggies... they always make me smile.Yesterday I was doing a little maintenance in the goat pens and I glanced into the pen where the pigs...

While we are gone from the farm this week, I want to share a glimpse of our world with you..... Please turn on your sound for this slideshow....I hope you enjoy it!!! ...

