Unsolved Cat 'N' Dog Mysteries by AFSS

Unsolved Cat 'N' Dog Mysteries by AFSS

Thanks for the pawsome idea Zoolatry. We would like to present The Mystery of The Disappearing Treats by AFSS

It was a day like any other day that Mommy goes to the store. She got up early and got her shower, as usual us cats elected to stay inside until she returned home while Fenris went outside to patrol for intruders. While at the store Mommy bought us some cat treats and Fenris got some doggie bones. They were placed inside one of the plastic baggies and put inside the car. Mommy drove home and the boy beans helped her unload the car once she was here. The bag with the treats was carried in the house and placed on the kitchen counter. Eventually Mommy got around to unloading the bags and putting the groceries away the treats were supposedly placed on our shelf in the pantry and gasp they were never seen again!!!!!!!

What oh what happened to our treats..............................................

Did the boy beans eat them for a snack?

Did the absent minded Mommy put them somewhere else and forget about it?

Did Fenris eat them bag and all?

Did the Mouse drag them to her lair under the couch and nibble a hole in the bag so she could enjoy the treats at her leisure and in solitude.?

Did some nefarious stranger make off with our treats?

Nobody knows..........................................................................................

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