Up Close and Personal

Up Close and Personal

Yesterday I spent a block of time in the morning weeding my strawberry patch....a chore that if done on a regular basis keeps everything under control, but if ignored......weedlam (a variation of bedlam!) When I approached my garden shed I noticed something new on the grapevine wreath that adorns the shed. You can see this new something at the lower right hand "corner" of the wreath.Upon closer inspection, it looked like this:After summoning as much courage as I could, I peered through the lens of my camera and moved in closer....
Seeing something strange at her front door, she came a bit closer to investigate.....
Just a bit closer.....

Ok, that's just about close enough. This lovely creature is a female hornet, or queen. She is building her nest in preparation for laying several eggs. Over the next week, these eggs will hatch and go through a metamorphosis. Hopefully, I will be able to snap a few more pictures to chronicle this event. Stay tuned...... And we will hope she tolerates the attention....hornets can sting more than once and their sting is quite painful!

PS...To those of you who follow my blog....I would like to say thank you! I enjoy your comments and try to visit your blogs in return when I can. Blogging gives us the ability to peer into a piece of others' lives and share in the wonders of this amazing world. Our farm is a longtime dream turned reality for us...it gives us great pleasure to share our world with you!

- A Walk On The Wild Side
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- Happy News
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- Playin' 'possum
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- Setting The Scene
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- Edith
Two weeks ago, our beloved Edith (female Bourbon Red turkey)went missing.And for a week we searched for her.And during that week, you all sent your wishes and hopes that we find her safe. One week ago, we found Edith...sitting on a nest of eggs.You rejoiced...

