Update on Socks

Update on Socks

Apparently Socks was in a fight. He was scratched or bitten on his shoulder. They shaved the area so Mommy can keep it clean. He is on an antibiotic to keep it from getting infected and a pain killer. At the moment he is sleeping in Mommy & Daddy's room on Mommy's electric throw. Everyone thank you so much for your purrs, Socks really appreciates it, and so do we. ~Scylla & Charybdis

- Thursday (not) In The Garden
Mommy has an ear infection so she REFUSED to go outside and take pictures for us. All she wants to do is sleep. We are not sure who is more worthless Mommy or Socks. They are both just laying around sleeping. Socks even has the TV remote close at hand...

- Update On Vet Visits
Scylla is going for her 6 month checkup and Socks is going to get his stitches out and possibly his annual shots if the Vet feels like his immune system is up to it. We will have Mommy update you when they get back. Oh, Socks & Scylla don't know...

- Scylla Sunday
Mommy had the throw folded up into a nice bed for me. Since I was sleeping on it, she went got the other throw (which looks much better on your bed Mommy) out of the living room to put on her bed. I of course promptly jumped up on it. See the red looks...

- Socks Update
I am doing good. I am actually a good boy about taking my medicine unlike certain sisters I know (Scylla). I hid under the printer stand for awhile. Now that I am feeling better I am dividing my time between sleeping in Mommy's chair and on Eldest...

- Fenris ~ Day 1 & 2
(Monday)It was late when we got home. Mommy took me in the backyard and gave me some food and water and when I was through eating we walked around the backyard together. We kinda deviated from Cesar's advice because 1.) Since I was neutered that...

