Very Pinteresting....Dreaming of Spring

Very Pinteresting....Dreaming of Spring

Just a week of harsh cold and I am already dreaming of this....

and this...

and this...

Oh, how I miss my garden!
And oh, how many ideas I have for this coming Spring.
If I accomplish everything I have planned,
I will have to work from sun up to sun down.

But in the end, it will be magnificent.
At least it is in my dreams!

Our basement "greenhouse" is growing as we had hoped.
The first batch of lettuce seeds did not germinate (duds).
But new ones planted two days ago are already up.

The herbs and radishes continue to grow.

The mint plants (saved from our garden) are sending up new shoots.

Outside, our garden boxes stand barren and frozen...

patiently waiting the warmth of a Spring sun.

Every week new seed catalogs arrive.

It's time to get serious and plan next year's produce.
Perhaps some new items....

Tiny Mexican gherkin cucumbers!
Or Ruby Queen sweet corn...

Have you yet discovered the website "Pinterest"?

If you have not, do yourself a favor and head over there.
But set your alarm, or you just might stay for much longer than you planned.

Pinterest is like a yummy pictoral magazine,
with tons of ideas of all sorts just waiting to be discovered and re-pinned to your
very own bulletin board.
It's where I go to dream.
(Click here for an example of a Pinterest Board)

Here are just a few gardening ideas that I found there and plan to use
this coming Spring...

Gutter gardening....a perfect place to grow your lettuces!

I am planning on painting pots to match my blue and green garden shed,
and hanging them on the outer wall like this....

Cute, huh?

And then....
last summer I picked up this pile of old windows...for free!

I am planning to build cold frames with them
so that I can plant my garden a bit earlier this Spring,
and extend it later in the Fall.

As winter sends its icy chill down our necks,
I will stay warm by the fire dreaming of gardens yet planted.

My girls will stay warm beneath their heat lamp,
dreaming of gardens yet eaten!
(I just love how they always lay nose to nose...sweet sisters!)

Meanwhile, our "ladies in waiting" (pregnant does)
dream of shedding their winter coats and
frolicking with their newborn kids.

Here's to dreams of new green growth 
and yummy ripe produce straight front the garden,
and adorable baby goats to cuddle!

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