

Sitting here like this...

with the world outside looking like this...

I cannot help but close my eyes and dream a little.
My dream is of another time in the not so distant future,
where instead,
I will be sitting here like this...
with a fire in this...
(getting ready to make that yummy Italian bread in an old fashioned oven!)

Instead of the black and white world to which I have grown accustomed of late,
my dream is full of color...

colors that not only delight my eyes but all of my senses!
Have you ever noticed that the color green has a smell?
Green is the smell of new mown hay and pine needles.
It is my favorite color and my favorite smell...
and one for which I long at this cold, sleepy time of year.

I dream of dinners picked fresh from the garden...

Our weather is about to get even more wintry I hear.
Temperatures are to drop below zero this weekend...
with a potential for more snow next week.

It looks like I will have plenty of time to dream in the coming days!

I'll be dreaming and scheming as I plan for this year's garden.

I look forward to the sound of bees buzzing as I dig in the dirt.

I look forward to continuing Red's driving training...
a task I have let slide during winter's cold.
(yes, I'm a fair weather driver!)

Until this frosty part of winter passes,
I think I will hunker down with a cup of tea, a roaring fire,
and concentrate on indoor activities.

After all....Spring is not that far away!
What fun we will have when it comes!
For now....though...I think I'll throw another log on the fire!

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