Wanted: Farm Hand

Wanted: Farm Hand

Wanted:  Farm Hand
(would settle for just a finger, however!)

Yep, that's my index finger.
Ugly, huh?

I tripped over our Newfie, Maddie, in the dark on Saturday evening,
fell...sending the plates that I was carrying smashing to the floor,
and ending up with a swollen, painful, broken finger.
(Sadly, I think my fingernail is a goner.)

This morning's farm chores will be a challenge.
Hopefully I will finish them in time to start the afternoon chores.
(One of you asked about the "down" side to farm life...well, this might just be "it"!)

But enough of that!

Other than the "incident", I had a wonderful weekend.  Much of my weekend was spent
with my girls and Tyler.

Muppy, Grammie and Tyler
Tyler and his mommy, Jenn, arrived at the farm yesterday in time for Sunday Farm Breakfast
(a weekly ritual).

We visited the pigs,

fed the goats Ritz crackers,

filled the donkeys' water tub,
(it's never too early to learn farm chores)

cleaned the pasture,

carried "poopy" to the gator 
(dropped some of it on the way...producing tears of disappointment in himself...
we assured him that we drop it all of the time!)

(Note to self:  find child sized work tools!)

 We helped Muppy (Hubbs) with moving some hay,

climbed to the top of the hayloft,

ate lunch,

and read books.
What fun it is to finally be able to hold conversations with our little buddy!

A big, hearty "Thank You" to Amanda for helping with farm chores and cooking dinner yesterday!
(I was relieved of all duties for the day!)

Braided sweet potato and chicken in honey mustard sauce...homemade bread dough....yum!

Today our picnic pavilion and outhouse will be finished!
I can hardly wait to use them... both of them!

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