Family Farm Day

Family Farm Day

What a beautiful weekend we had!

Saturday was our annual Family Farm Day,
and this year's attendance was terrific.

With help from some of our kids and our friends, we entertained
about 130 guests.

Andy grilled hotdogs and hamburgers to go with the wonderful picnic food that
each family brought to share.

The picnic pavilion was a great addition this year...
giving us a shady spot to serve and eat picnic fare.

Amanda, Tim and Amanda's friend Shannon helped with hosting, 
by giving tours around the farm, visiting with guests,
and helping to keep the picnic area and grill well stocked.

We had several hayrides,

on which several deer and fawns were spotted.

Ginger and MaryAnn were a favorite,

as well as the goats....

with Ritz crackers being doled out by the dozen!

The dogs got plenty of attention... and treats!

I'd like to thank all who attended for helping to make this event a success!
We will surely do it again next year.

Sunday, we had farm breakfast bright and early,
then took our kayaks for a morning trip down our favorite river,
the Juniata.

Our neighbors Jim, Kathy and Scott joined us
for a seven mile paddle downstream.

For some reason, I seemed to bring up the rear for most of the trip.
I think Saturday caught up with me.
This week will be much quieter around the farm...
no major projects, just the usual chores and maintenance.

Perhaps I will get time to sit and relax for a bit!

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