We are Participatin in Pillars of Strength for K

We are Participatin in Pillars of Strength for K

K is a very special doggie who blogs at Romping and Rolling in the Rockies.  K has cancer and we wants to let K and KB (her Mom) know that we supports them. K has her next round of chemotherapy on Friday, February 17.

We are awed by the courage that K and KB are showing as they fight the cancer.

- Livestrong Day
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- Funny Friday (in Memory Of Texas)
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- Thirteen Things ~ Cervical Cancer
Thirteen Things about Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix, the lower narrow part of the uterus (womb). Cervical cancer is a disease that can be very serious; however, it is one that you can help prevent. Usually it takes several...

- Public School Officials In Kansas Ban Breast Cancer Fundraiser
October is breast cancer awareness month. You would think that school officials would have nothing but praise for two girls who wanted to raise money for breast cancer (you would be wrong). Two Salina Central High School seniors designed T-shirts to...

- Hpv Vaccine
I was recently asked what I though about the new HPV vaccine which would help prevent cervical cancer. Since I don't have daughters I have to honestly admit I haven't given it much thought. But it seems that parents would want to do whatever they...

