We thinks this is sad

We thinks this is sad

San Clemente officials are planning to put an arbitrary cap on the number of pets that can live in your home. Read Pet rationing in San Clemente? by Steven Greenhut to find out more. We can't help wondering how long it will be before the government tries to tell beans how many bean babies they can have. Seems like the government tries to run beans lives for them. Anyways we thinks this is sad because so many cats and doggies need homes and if this law passes some cats and doggies that have homes may lose them.

- 7 Dogs Left In Rainsville, No Notice On What Day Is Their Last
Drop by Hope 4 Dogs to read more. The 7 dogs that are left have never seen cats or been around children so they don't need to go to a family that has toddlers. They aren't leashed trained so you will need a tall fence if you want to adopt one....

- The Perfect Doggie For Us
We have been reading Member of the Family by Cesar Millan. He even tells how to introduce a doggie to us cats in this book. We are sure our doggie will think we are superior pack leaders and obey our orders, thanks to Cesar. This is from the book "If...

- 1.28.09 - Update On Rainsville Alabama Situation
Go by Hope 4 Dogs and see what you can do to help. There isn't much time left and there are still 8 dogs that need homes. They also need help transporting the doggies that have new homes. HT: To JFF for linking to the update. Even with all the computer...

- Rainsville, Alabama Will Kill 31 Dogs If They Are Not Rehomed Asap
Mico is still one of the 31 dogs that need a new home. We had hoped to rescue him, but he needs a fenced in yard which we don't have. Carroll was also hoping that whoever took Mico would take Sheeba too as they are dear friends and senior doggies....

- Why Are Beans So Mean And Judgemental?
The Litter Box is certainly the right name for his blog. The mean bean said While in Santa Monica, one of my friends wanted to pay a homeless man money because he had a (well groomed and friendly) dog. I asked her - you want to give money to someone who...

