The Perfect Doggie For Us

The Perfect Doggie For Us

We have been reading Member of the Family by Cesar Millan. He even tells how to introduce a doggie to us cats in this book. We are sure our doggie will think we are superior pack leaders and obey our orders, thanks to Cesar.

This is from the book

"If you have a dominant, high-energy cat, the cat will take care of itself in almost every situation. On more occasions than I can count, I have been called in to help humans with an "uncontrollable" dog - only to find that the family cat has had no problem at all giving the dog rules, boundaries, and limitations."

After reading his book this is what we are looking for in a young dog or puppy.

  1. Low to medium energy (The beans are rather lazy).
  2. A member of The Herding Group, hopefully with long hair as Mommy would love to have a doggie with long hair. These are the breeds we are looking for Australian Shepherd (with tail; we do not approve of docking a doggies tail), Belgian Sheepdog, Belgian Tervuren, Border Collie, Rough Collie (honestly until recently we didn't know there was any other kind), and a Shetland Sheepdog (aka a Sheltie)
  3. Or The Working Group - Specific breeds Great Pyrenees, Kuvasz or Samoyed.
  4. Or The Non-Sporting Group - Specific breed -American Eskimo Dog.

We are avoiding the Sporting Group, Hounds, and Terriers because their instinct is to hunt and they might mistake us kitties for prey. And while Mommy would love a doggie from the Toy Group she thinks the guys would prefer something bigger. We knows there are some doggies in the groups we aren't looking at that do get along with kitties; but we are trying our best to make sure the doggie we rescue fits into our home smoothly.

Unfortunately it is hard to find these breeds locally GULF COAST SHELTIE AND COLLIE RESCUE, INC. has plenty of doggies we would love to have. But they won't even talk to us.


We think it is very sad that some poor doggie will not have a chance to live with us because we live ONE HOUR from Mobile in Jackson County, MS on the MS GULF COAST. We thinks they need to change their name if they are unwilling to serve the WHOLE GULF COAST. If we could adopt from them we likes Scout. Isn't he pretty? Some rescues that do have doggies we are interested in are out of our price range. We would love to meet Vicki and see if she would be right for us but she lives too far away and cost too much. We could get a Mini Aussie from a local breeder for the same price. The Great Pyrenees we liked has been reserved, we are happy she found a home, we are just sorry Daddy didn't finish the fence in time for her to live with us. We have our fingers crossed Daddy will finish the fence this weekend. Most of the doggies we likes live too far away, but we shall keep searching for the purrfect doggie. We wants to get it right cause we want the doggie to be happy, we cats want to be happy and we want our beans to be happy.

If you know of a doggie feel free to email the beans at osso(at)cableone(dot)net. The doggie doesn't have to be a purebred, we are purrfectly fine with mutts as us cats are the feline version of mutts. We do want a puppy or a young dog 2 years old are younger.

We feels bad about not considering a dog from Rainsville but the doggies Carrol had that we did consider have already found new homes. The eight that are left might not be good choices for us and Cesar warns about adopting a doggie because you feel sorry for it, we are trying to stick to his advice. We needs a dog that would fit in right away or at least fairly soon. Also our fence may not be finished by February 1st, with Daddy you can never tell and a lot will depend on the weather.

~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

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