

 Our Clematis bloomed and now we knows that it is PINK.

 The Butterfly Weed is doing pawsome.

Someone said it was nice to see the flowers blooming before the cold weather came.  It will be awhile before we have really cold weather or even cool weather for that matter. We don't really have seasons like some places do.  Some years we don't even have a real winter in those years that it doesn't get below freezing our plants bloom all year.  Other years it gets down to freezing and below and some of our plants die, sometimes they come back and sometimes they don't. And of course we have evergreens so there is always something green in our garden even when it does get below freezing. ~AFSS

- Thursday In The Garden
 Our Desert Rose.  The Confederate Rose, it is still blooming in the yard. We have been lucky this year we haven't had a frost yet. Good thing too as Daddy doesn't have the green house put back together.  The Persian Shield and...

- Mancat Monday
 We has very strange weather one week it is freezing cold and we all stay inside huddled under the blankets, when we are not being drug to the Veternarian. And the next week we are outside working in the yard. ~Socks, perplexed by Winter Weather...

- Thursday In The Garden
I am so busy, there is so much to do before the cold weather gets here.  The Pineapple Sage is blooming up a storm. I likes to sit in the flowerbeds and commune with the plants. Talking to them helps them grows better. The Butterfly weed. We collected...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Clematis, isn't it just gorgeous. This is the bed it is growing in. The roses and honeysuckle have a head start on it because they are evergreens and the Clematis is a perennial. This is the bed closest to the pond, Mommy had Daddy leave it open...

- Scylla On Sunday
One of our favourite places to spend a lazy morning is the Butterfly Garden. If you go outside early enough it is still nice and shady down there, and pleasant to sit. Our neighbor gave us two new plants. Mommy can't remember the name of the one...

