Weekend Update

Weekend Update

For what we had anticipated being a quiet weekend at home,
our weekend ended up in a flurry of activity.

The picnic pavilion hosted a birthday party on Saturday...

for our favorite 9 year old, Taryn.

We enjoyed homemade pizzas from the pizza oven and visited
with neighbors.

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you might remember a day last winter
when we cleaned the goat houses.
Young and old alike pitched in to accomplish this chore that muddy winter day.
And you might remember the terribly muddy toddler that was in the thick of things that day.

(her parents help us a lot around the farm)
this time came in her party dress and somehow avoided the mud.

She spent most of her afternoon giving hugs

and kisses to Sammy and Oakley.

Sunday was hot and muggy... a good day to spend close to water....

so Hubbs and I took the kayaks to the river and did a little sightseeing.

An occasional hitchhiker joined us on the kayak...

as we paddled past lots of these...

Our best sighting of the day, however, was this fellow...


I had a chance to finish my latest knitting project,
this little shrug...

and start my next project.

It looks like this week is going to be a hot and humid one.
During days like these the animals are much less active...
seeking out shady spots to rest.

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