Welcome Autumn

Welcome Autumn

Autumn crept in,
 this week,
 on little black spider feet!

Overnight, it seems, the farm has started its transition
away from summer.

Cooler days, cooler nights have us scrambling for
warm socks and sweatshirts.

We sleep nestled beneath warm quilts
as the night winds scatter the leaves to the ground...
leaves that are yellow, orange and red.

The Beauty-berry bushes have adorned themselves
with beautiful violet berries.

Pumpkins and mums are popping up all over the farm.

The corn fields have turned brown.

 very soon,
we will haul wood into the house and
warm ourselves by our cozy fireplace...
ginger cookies and hot spiced cider in hand.

Would you like to join us?

- The Weekend Update
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- Of Pigs And Pizza
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- Transition
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- Signs Of Autumn
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