The Weekend Update

The Weekend Update

We are in the midst of Autumn Splendor here at the farm.

The leaves are turning more and more shades of yellow, red and orange each day.
The sun shines brightly, but the air remains cool.

This past weekend we traveled to the Pocono Mountains to spend some time with friends.

Since this area of Pennsylvania is a little further north than the farm,
the leaves are currently at peak color.
It was spectacular!

We met Amanda and Tim on Saturday at Ricketts Glen State Park,
where we hiked a 5.5 mile trail down through a gorge alongside waterfalls...
and then back up through another glen with more waterfalls.

one after another...

incredibly austere beauty!

We happened to run into this fellow along the way...

and he was kind enough to pose for a few pictures.

And I was ever so thankful that he was this far away from the farm
and my pups!

Upon our return to the farm on Sunday,
we picked as many of our remaining apples as we could reach.

So many of them are now being consumed by yellow jackets.

What whole apples we could find will be eaten or dehydrated...

for later use.

Along our travels this weekend we stopped at this farm market for cider donuts.

Yum!!  Mulled apple cider and cider donuts!  It just doesn't get any better than that!

Another one of the things that I love about fall is the "taste" of fall!

We moved another chicken into chicken hospice this weekend.

Another one of my elderly gals, Bernice, will take Ivanka's place in the barn
for the time being.
She is old and was being picked upon.  Amanda found her yesterday lying on her side.

So, she will spend her remaining days in the barn where no one will pick on her.
Moll might be glad to see another hen where Ivanka used to be!

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