Welcome Syd!

Welcome Syd!

Meet Sydney, Syd for short.

Syd is Becky's new horse...
a five year old thoroughbred
retired from racing.
Syd has been through a lot recently.  
He was gelded last week and
is recovering from a leg injury.

Rest and relaxation and lots of grazing 
are a new way of life for Syd.

After this period of rehab as well as putting some 
meat on his bones, he should be in great shape
to begin his new life....as an eventing horse 
and a fox hunter.

Besides being quite handsome,
Syd is gentle and quiet.

What fun Becky and Syd are going to have...
I can hardly wait to watch the training.

- A Visit With Becky's Horses
One of my favorite things about this time of year is the magnificent sunrises!Each and every morning I am met with such dramatic skies...definitely a good reason to get up early! Yesterday when I finished morning chores, I stopped to watch Sid, Becky's...

- Repete
It's often said that cats have nine lives.It's never said that horses have the same. No, horses are fragile creatures.They break easily.Sometimes they are physically broken, and sometimes emotionally. Bringing a broken horse back to life is...

- Sad Stories....happy Endings
If you have followed my blog for a while,you will remember that two years ago (April 4th) Sid came to live on the farm.Sid is Becky's thoroughbred (retired race horse) who was very thinand very unhappy when he first came to the farm. Now after two...

- A Love Story
This is Sid.Sidney. Sidney is a 5 year old, off-the-track thoroughbred,that Becky brought home to the farm this past Spring.(Becky or "Dr. Becky" is Hubbs sister, and shares our farmland.) When Sid arrived he was underweight, injured...a very sad horse...

- Murphy's Law Continues
Things have been relatively calm around the farm this week....no escapes. Chickens, ducks, and guineas are all seemingly happy. Even blind Helen, the white chicken who lives by the goats, has started to lay eggs. Sadly, though, two of the horses are...

