We're Baaaaack!

We're Baaaaack!

It feels as if I have been away for such a long time.
I am so accustomed to visiting with you here and also
to catching up on my favorite blogs each day with my breakfast.

And though I missed you all,
I have to say,
I had a ball.

We were here....

Yes, we took a vacation...
away from the farm.
We packed up our family
and headed to the beach for a week.

While we enjoyed the sun and sand and surf
and made new friends,
a small army was keeping the farm going.

And I have to tell you....

although we had a blast,
it is great to be home!!

I could hardly wait to pay a visit to.....

where I found produce (and weeds) to be plentiful!

Daily watering and lots of sun has made our garden explode!

We are in a deluge of green beans, sugar peas, peppers, broccoli, carrots
and onions.
The hot, sunny weather has pushed the tomatoes right into juicy redness
and we have been eating a couple each day....
just a taste of what is yet to come.

I harvested our box of yellow onions yesterday
and they are in the greenhouse drying.
Today I will plant beets in that empty box.

Almost perfect weather conditions have helped my one lone
bee hive to prosper.  We have been adding supers every few weeks
as the bees are producing oodles of honey in this hive.

This week is going to be an exciting one around the farm....

I can't wait to share it with you!

Hint....there is a special delivery package at the post office this morning
that I will be picking up!
Hmmm.....wonder what it is????

- A Honey Of A Harvest
This Spring has been terrific for our one remaining beehive.We have a very strong queen bee who has tons of developing brood,and ever-toiling worker bees (females of course!!) who are packing the hive with delicious honey. There was so much honey...

- Harvesting
Up at the crack of dawn.... and out to do the animal chores.Once those were completed, I headed to the garden to do somewatering, weeding and harvesting.It was even too early for my usual help... While so much of the country is dealing with storms and...

- To Bee Or Not To Bee
Whew!  Internet connection problems almost made it so that I would NOT BEE today!!  Sorry so late with the posting.  The bugs are all worked out.  Now on to the REAL bugs!.....Bees, that is Yesterday's temperate weather gave Hubbs...

- Beekeeping Basics
Yesterday was another sunny day with temperatures in the 60's.  The rain held off (I think today may be the day, though). I took advantage of the wonderful weather, donned my bee suit, and headed out to feed the bees. Earlier this week I mixed...

- Looking Forward To Spring
This is an exciting time of year for us. We are presently taking a bee keeping course to increase our knowledge and ready ourselves for full time beekeeping. Our brother-in-law Mike has up to this point been the beekeeper with help from us for special...

