

Up at the crack of dawn....

and out to do the animal chores.
Once those were completed, I headed to the garden to do some
watering, weeding and harvesting.
It was even too early for my usual help...

While so much of the country is dealing with storms and bad weather woes,
making gardening at best difficult;
we in the Northeast have been blessed with perfect spring and summer conditions.

My garden is maturing early this year,
thanks to an early spring, lots of warm, sunny days 
and the perfect amount of rain.

I have been able to start to harvest sugar peas, beets, green beans,
 broccoli, blueberries, black raspberries
while still getting asparagus, lettuce, rhubarb, and strawberries.

Here is one day's harvest...

Hickory says "Bleck!  vegetables!!"
"Where's the meat?"

Now, to pickle the beets,
make strawberry rhubarb jam,
and blanch the sugar peas to freeze.

PS....while I was harvesting a Northern Flicker was singing to me from the garden fence.
My camera was not close enough to get a picture this time....but I will get one some day.

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