We're Featherific!

We're Featherific!

If there is one thing that we have no shortage of here on the farm...
it's feathers!

Every step you take brings you close to at least one...

In every crack and crevice...

A feathery surprise awaits you wherever you look!

It's no wonder... with over 100 chickens roaming free around the farm...

not to mention guineas...


and ducks!

Let's take a closer look at just how miraculous a simple feather can be...

Look close at these guinea feathers...

Can you believe that each and every barb that grows from the quill
grows at exactly the precise place so that all of the black and white
line up to make polka dots?
Seriously.... is that not amazing?
Nothing short of miraculous... I believe.

And these crazy looking guineas are covered in these perfectly formed
polka-dot feathers!

What an incredible world we have the privilege of living in!
Don't you agree?

Yesterday was truly an autumn gift...
60 degrees and sunny.
I used the warm weather wisely and worked in the garden...
finishing up the autumn clean-up.

With the exception of baby kale and collards...

and more mature kale and chard...
(and a ton of cilantro)

everything else in the garden is finished.

Miss Minerva has her bags packed and will be leaving for her
winter home in Arizona.  
She will spend the winter at a spa and return in spring...
with a complete makeover...
in time for wedding festivities.

I also got the tractor out....

and turned the manure pile.
I love how all that steam is released when the manure pile is turned!

Yep, that's right....doesn't take much to please me!

Before I say goodbye for today I wanted to show you my latest knitting project.

This pumpkin colored kerchief is knit from 100% long fibre hemp.
It's amazingly soft for what you would think hemp would be.

That's right.... a vegan kerchief!

I am in the midst of knitting a second in light gray.

Oh, if only I had a couple more arms.... I could get so much more done in a day!

PS...Today we say "Goodbye" to Andy and Ashley's Sam...
It's been fun watching Sam become a farm dog over the past 6 days.
I am sure he'll return for many more visits and maybe a couple more 
"Grammie Camps".

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