What Is It?

What Is It?

A question I have pondered for what seems like an eternity.....

what is it
manure pile....

that attracts my dogs?

After all, I feed them well.
They get an egg each morning for breakfast.
And yet,
every chance they get,
they are at the manure pile,
searching for tasty treats!

Even Hickory, who was just too tired to get out of the gator,
was looking longingly at the pile.

On the subject of manure....
Pennsylvania has just mandated that all farms have a written
manure management statement.
The state will not be checking them, 
unless someone has a complaint about a particular farm.

Becky wrote our statement....

"The horses poop, we clean it up."

Seriously, though,
we clean up all of our manure daily 
and keep that manure on a pile near the woods.
We use our tractor to turn it weekly.
It very quickly turns into wonderful, rich
compost that we then use to fertilize our fields and gardens.

PA is concerned about run-off into streams that feed
the Chesapeake Bay.
We do our part to manage our manure with
its effect on the environment being top priority.

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