Where are You Wednesday? by Socks

Where are You Wednesday? by Socks

Mommy was hunting all over for me.

Where was I you ask, in Mommy's closet in her beach bag. She will never find me here.  ~Socks

PeeS: Tuiren wanted me to remind everyone to send her your clown pictures. I is hiding so she can't turn me into a CLOWN!

- Wayback Wednesday
Are you ready to clown around? Email Tuiren your clown pictures by Feb 1st, to be included in the Clown Tent. We have some pawsome clowns lined up for your enjoyment already. This picture was taken January 2008................... Scylla on the arm of...

- Scylla Sunday
Brian, do you want to come snuggle with me? The flannel sheets are very comfy. And I even has a sun puddle to lay in. Socks is sacked out on the cedar chest. ~Scylla MEOW: My nap was interrupt by that upstart Beagle, Tuiren says I has to remind you...

- Calling All Clowns By Tuiren
Remember I needs you clown pictures by Feb 1st. The debonair 007 was my very first victim clown.  Who is going to be brave enough to join him in my clown tent?  CATS you are most welcome to come to the circus and send me your clown pictures....

- Fenris Friday
Mom loves this picture of me, she says I has the handsomest tail she has ever seen. She also thinks I looks like a Great Pyrenees in this picture. Here not so much.  Mom, Hurry up and put my harness on so we can go walk. OK, one more picture before...

- Tuiren Tuesday Tuckered Out
Saturday Mommy took us walking at Gulf Island National Seashore. After we got back me and Fenris did a lot of this. BOL, Fenris got tired before I did. He is such a wuss. ~Annie Tuiren PeeS: Don't forget to send me your clown pictures by Feb 1st....

