Wayback Wednesday

Wayback Wednesday

Are you ready to clown around? Email Tuiren your clown pictures by Feb 1st, to be included in the Clown Tent. We have some pawsome clowns lined up for your enjoyment already.

This picture was taken January 2008...................
Scylla on the arm of the couch, Charybdis on the back of the couch, and Socks is nearly invisible on the electric blanket.

- Fenris Friday
A silly Mommy hung my toy on the door. Now why did she go and do THAT for. Doesn't she know I can get him off the door knob? ~Fenris  This is the LAST day to send in clown pictures so if you want to be in the clown tent don't procrastinate...

- Thursday In The Garden
First we wants to remind you to email Tuiren your clown pictures by Feb 1st, to be included in the Clown Tent. We are so excited about the great line up of shows coming to town Feb 15th & 16th. This circus is going to be HUGE. Now for our Gardening...

- Calling All Clowns By Tuiren
Remember I needs you clown pictures by Feb 1st. The debonair 007 was my very first victim clown.  Who is going to be brave enough to join him in my clown tent?  CATS you are most welcome to come to the circus and send me your clown pictures....

- Where Are You Wednesday? By Socks
Mommy was hunting all over for me. Where was I you ask, in Mommy's closet in her beach bag. She will never find me here.  ~Socks PeeS: Tuiren wanted me to remind everyone to send her your clown pictures. I is hiding so she can't turn me...

- Tuiren Barks Impawtant Blogville Annoucement
I am very excited I gets to host my first event. Now you has to read all about it. I am turning the post over to Frankie he is so good at explaining things. (Frankie Furter) Attention BLOGVILLE and surrounding Areas....   THE CIRCUS is Coming to...

